Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Invitation for Lesbian Haircuts

Todays facebook highlight had to be the invitation for a Lesbian haircut that a certain Quebecoise native sent me. I checked it out and laughed myself silly for about five minutes and then started thinking about it. How do these women go to a barber and request these styles? Do they do what we all did when we were young: take a photo of some celebrity we wanted to look like and kinda thought we would if we had their hair, or do they have proper terms for them? Are there barbers who specialize in cutting Lesbian´s hair? There are plenty of women in Berlin going around with these haircuts in any case.

Tonight the group stage of the Champions League begins and while I have to work tonight I am looking forward to watching the Barcelona/Inter Milan game tomorrow. It will be fun to watch Ibrahimovic face his former teammates so early on.

Tomorrow I have my first Yoga class for this fall term. Its going to be fun and a lot of pain. Last time around I was really starting to notice a difference after a month or two.

I think that there is no longer anything worth saving in the Republican party and hope that they will eventually expose themselves as the corporate party that they are instead of sucking up votes by playing nationalist and family value cards. Despicable.

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