Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

football and rivalry seen postcolonially...

A friend of mine recently went to a 'friendly' between Northern Ireland and Scotland in Glasgow. I admit I was jealous, seeing as how I have never been to either a qualifier or a friendly. He noted that besides a horrible display in football (friendlies usually are, except for the France Tunisia game this week) there were some interesting chants going back and forth between the supporters. It went something like this... "Are you England? Are you England in disguise?"

I have to say that that is one of the funniest football chants that I have ever heard and so I checked youtube and you can find them singing it there. What the chanting of this line makes rather clear is that England is seen as the big 'enemy' of both teams. I guess that is understandable considering the colonial background that both areas have with England. Still it would be amazing to hear them sing it back and forth.

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