Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Ile d'France

Ah Paris,

So I hitchiked to Ponthierry today and didn't even put out my thumb. And get this it was a woman who picked me up of all people. I've been in three days of walking and mastering the metro/trains to the usual spots: The Eiffel tower, Sacre Couer(Montmartre), Le Arc d'Triomphe, The Louvre, Pompidou center, the stones that are left from the Bastille, Musee Picasso, and so on. This city has already(along with everything I've seen of the country) qulified as one of the most amazing places of all time. When you sit by the banks of the Seine and watch the barges go by you understand why the Americans don't like it: its too nice for them. Too original, too unique, too much culture. Americans can't even compete. So give it up, lower your voices, stop drinking coke at nice restaurants. Also a question: why do we need Starbucks everywhere? Keep your bucks far from Starbucks.


K80 said...

Amen. Amen. Amen!

Anonymous said...

Much envy and respect my good friend, way to grab life by the horns and give them a good tug. Where to next?

Ruco van der Merwe said...
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K80 said...

Rebuttal from an american: Ignorance? No, understanding. I relate to the fun-making of "American heritage," and therefore amen to that.

Anonymous said...

what "heritage"?

K80 said...

exactly my point.

Ruco van der Merwe said...
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SvenJosefson said...

Senor Van Der Merwe's comments although very valuable and good for debate purposes have been removed for the time being due to the sensitive nature of possible underage viewers of this site. This is to say that I do not find what he said offensive in the least I just can't have innocent minds thinking to hard about things they don't understand. That is to say most average Americans.

Kristi Van Der Merwe said...

thanks aron! I appreciate it!
