Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Flirting with London

I'm flirting mildly with London. Its a possibility, its a thought coming down with the rain. Making everything wet, but too late for the autumn spectrum that has left its pastels on the leaves. London on that little island they dare call Great Britain. A river that doesn't pronounce its h. I'm flirting with London and I think she's winning. Why should I trade one wet metropolis for another. Fish and Chips wrapped in newspapers? I don't eat the fish so not good enough. Where does this restlesness come from and why can't it go bother someone else. London doesn't call today. Instead it whispers possibilities....which is deadlier.


Kristi Van Der Merwe said...

nice... big up yaself and go see dem rats down at piccadily station. Hey man London sounds like a fun idea, but save Porto for next summer. cheers mate.

Ruco van der Merwe said...

yo I wrote dat, not me wife. nice... big up yaself and go see dem rats down at piccadily station. Hey man London sounds like a fun idea, but save Porto for next summer. cheers mate.

Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Go for it. As it's said, "When in Rome..." I'm not sure I fully understand the saying, but it felt appropriate.

I'm glad to see you're doing well for yourself. Love the look, you a-typical poet trapped and starving for more in Paris. LOL.

Peace out.
