Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

sex-obssesed Republicans and the war in Iraq.

We all know that Bill Clinton dropped his droors in the oval office and let a certain Lewinsky blow Dixie on his magic troll flute. This brought about a shitstorm and led to succession of scandals. But what was it really all about? A blowjob and a lie? Pretty sorry stuff actually. The French especially must find this absolutely ridiculous stuff, of course right now they can't get enough of Mrs. Bruni but there was a time of legends that included Mitterand and Felix Faure (Famous for dying in the middle of a blowjob). Seriously this is too good to be fiction.

So what does all this have to do with everything currently going on now. The Republicans were absolutely sex-obsessed with the Clinton Affair and did all that they could to have him kicked out of the White House for a blow job and a denial. Seems awfully funny that they would be so silent about these massive amounts of weapons of mass destruction that are all over Iraq. I guess it just depends on who is doing the lying, or perhaps WMD's just aren't sexy enough.

1 comment:

M.L. said...

Phallic symbol or actual phallus: which is more provocative? Apparently it's more acceptable to react to the symbol than the actual thing, since we made it a political concern when it was a blow job and a matter of national/racial pride when it was just a symbol. God bless America: we're all absolutely fucked.
