Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Surprise Surprise

It looked good. My health that is. My arm was out of the cast and I'd started getting it back in shape. I had a ticket to Berlin and all was well in the world. Then on friday fever, burning fever. Saturday comes and while looking in the mirror I noticed several little red dots on my body. Hmm.

Turns out I have Chicken Pox for the second time in my life. What can I say when things are good here, they're good.


K80 said...

During the medieval era, oatmeal was discovered to soothe the sores, and oatmeal baths are today still commonly given to relieve itching.

Sad to hear about the pox! Soothe yourself with a nice oatmeal bath. I hope that you dont go through too much pain.

mhkingsley said...

So Dude, why don't you have a page yet? This site was totally made for you sitting at home nursing your wounds and illnesses listening to tunes like Imitosis. Sign up. I need more friends.

Ruco van der Merwe said...

well my friend you must let me know how was berlin?

K80 said...

get it together... now.
