Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Case of the Mondays

Its monday again and it seems that so far I have no motivation to work on my thesis. This isn´t the best of all ways to start the week, but on the other hand it could have been worse. I did manage to wake myself up at seven and read for about forty minutes from Death in Venice by Thomas Mann so all in all the morning has not been entirely wasted. I find myself thinking that if I could only be more productive and stay focused longer, that I would get a lot more things done around here. The chain of logic that follows from this thought process is also that I would feel better if I got more things done. Seems to me that this is a pretty smart way of thinking. Now its just about translating thought into action. My first idea was to write this post as a way of getting things rolling or sharpening the knife. Next step.... THESIS!

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